In Memory

Carl K. Davis

Carl K. Davis

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06/26/20 12:22 PM #1    

David Anthony Cuoio

My earliest memory of Carl goes all the way back to our sophomore year at Highland. Not surprisingly, Carl had volunteered to do standup comedy for a school variety program. A senior was heckling him from the front row and without missing a beat, Carl said, "You better close your mouth or you'll drop your candy."

Well, that brought the house down. It probably was one of Carl's finest comedy moments, and there were many over the years, including hosting the program with Jackie Norby during our 2016 class reunion.

Carl went on to a career as an attorney (what else?) and I suspect many opposing counselors felt the jab of his rapier-like wit during a long legal career.

Wherever he is now, I'm sure Carl is continuing to entertain whatever audience might be available.

06/30/20 09:26 PM #2    

Melody Savage (Pink)

so love, I hope you knew how much I adored you and what joy you brought to my life.  We thought we had more time, but alas, those dreams are just that.. dreams.  Ray & I will love & miss you forever, Carl K!  ðŸŒ 

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